Bruiser Galant

Bruiser Galant

A former blacksmith from the ruined Agni Empire, though once caught up in a life of mischief, upon the death of his beloved grandfather he decided he would continue his path towards becoming a professional blacksmith. As he honed his skills, he came to repeat his grandfather’s words, “A Blacksmith’s only job isn’t to strengthen weapons and armor, but also to enhance the will and motivation of those that wield them.”

Basic Information

  • Attribute
    Water > Fire > Earth > Thunder > Water
  • Max Lv
  • Cost
  • Attack Hit
  • Brave Burst Hit
HP Attack Defense Recovery
Initial 1584 781 781 337
Lord 0 0 0 0
Anima 2849 1064 1064 506
Breaker 2550 1143 984 585
Guardian 2550 978 1139 585
Oracle 0 0 0 0

Leader Skill

Intense Flash Spark at the time, damage that would give up the

Brave Burst

Grenade Buster The weakening effect at 5 stations damage and low probability flame attribute to all enemies
  • Bruiser Galant

Evolve Material Units

Cost EVO = 100000
